FAQ About IB French
Are there manuals or official tests that prepare entry into certain schools that offer pre-IB program?
No. Each school decides whether or not to test candidates. They are free to create French tests that conform to their admission conditions. If applicable, it is wise to ensure that the candidate has an excellent 8th grade French level.
What do I need to know about IB?
If you are willing to follow the IB program, then you must know that you are in need of a second language, probably French and that you will complete Grade 11 and grade 12 French in one school year during Gr 11.
Since the program is very intensive and extensive, many students feel lost in grade 9. Often, their fundamentals are not strong enough, and it is very important to work on them ASAP! If you are going for IB, be proactive and have your experienced and knowledgeable tutor prepare the steps with you!
I am not good at French, should I renounce IB?
IB is a very balanced program between math, science, and languages. Consequently, students happen to struggle at times with one subject depending on their strengths and weaknesses. The bottom line should be motivation for the diploma, together with the need for being a fast, organized learner with the ability to handle pressure. If you have these characteristics, you willadapt to the challenge and cope with the demands of the IB French curriculum with the support and guidance of the right French tutor.
What is French IB about?
French IB is an opportunity to attain a very high level in French. The program combines an ambitious level of grammar, oral, and written fluency as well as the ability to present and debate in public. Students are required to study books and articles, watch movies in French, and to be knowledgeable regarding Francophone culture.